Snow White woke up with prince’s love. Like that, this project is filled with love.

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The Finger Talk Method

This method is to do in pairs ( A and B here ). A sits and can close eyes, if A wants to do so. B sits beside A, or stands in front of A.

B takes A’s domain hand, and holds A’s index finger of the domain hand at the first joint as softly as possible, just to support it. Then B puts A’s index finger on B’s side of the index finger properly. If B puts A’s index finger too strongly on B’s side of the index finger, A’s finger stops moving with resistance. If too softly, A cannot feel A’s own finger movement.

First of all, let’s practice YES and NO.

A does not try to move the finger, just gets loose and imagines writing ○ clockwise, which means YES. One time is enough. To express NO, A imagines writing / from top right to bottom left. Then inexplicably, A’s fingertip moves so automatically.

Watching and/or feeling A’s finger movement, B understands if A expresses YES or NO.

Next, let’s practice numbers. It is important how to write numbers. But A does not try to move the finger, either. Just by imagining the movements to express numbers, the finger moves allright. When B holds A’s finger too strongly, A's finger does not move. So, B holds it softly enough.

And when A stops imagining to write, it is difficult for B to understand what A wants to express. If B assumes A’s expression, B misunderstands easily. For instance, As A images writing 3, the finger writes a curve, and then suddenly moves to the right. At that moment, B may assume it is 2. But actually, sometimes A’s finger can be pulled to the right without a direct attempt. But B does not notice such a movement is not intended by A.

4 is another difficult number. A's finger moves from top right to bottom left and horizontally as a bottom line. Then upward it moves. If B assumes all the movements are meant to be one line, B might think it is 6 or 9. even though the upward movement by A’ index finger is to change its position, in order to start another line.

With practice and by experiencing both A and B parts, anyone can understand the finger talk correctly.

(Written by Ms Katsuko Yamanoto in Japanese, on the website of the Snow White Project. Translated by Ms Mieko Hayashi)

ーMieko addsー

Alphabets could be expressed, too, of course. And the movements to express YES or NO can be modified more suitably for A to express.

Moreover, this method of finger talk could be replaced by or completion of other ways of communication, such as by heart, eye to eye contact, body touching or soul talk which may be explained in a different occasion.