Snow White woke up with prince’s love. Like that, this project is filled with love.

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Mikio NoboriWhat my patients have taught me through 40years of my life as a doctor is “Human’s capability is definitely infinite.”

Mikio Nobori, vice-president of Japan Laugh Academy

Message for the Snow White Project
Medical science is a science which is the least scientific, people say. If you experiment some medicine using mice, the result comes out always the same. However, we human beings are different. For instance, even if you and your friend drink the same amount of alcohol, you may be drunk but not your friend. A particular cold and flu medicine may work for you but not for others. We are all different. This means you can’t expect the same result when you have the same treatment. I think doctors should be more careful about what they say.

I have seen many cancer patients who had recovered even though doctor told them that there would be no way to cure them. Some just did it by climbing Mt Fuji or Mount Blanc. Doctors should say, “I can’t help you,” but not something like,” You won’t be cured.” Doctors also should never estimate the length of their lives. Someone made this Senryu (short humorous verse)

 The doctor who said to me,” You have to take care.” Passed away before me.

I believe we can’t die before we fulfill our duty in this life. Look at Miyapu! He is a good example. Many doctors said there would be no chance for him to gain consciousness. However, see how he is now. He didn’t just regain consciousness but he is now communicating with people around him. There is a school teacher who was unconscious for more than 6 months and everyone thought he was a vegetable. He listened to the tape his school children recorded (their voice) every day and he regained consciousness one day.
He later said he was actually listening to their voices in the tape.
Remember the movie, "Hayabusa: Harukanaru Kikan(Return from Far and Away)".

Not giving up but always being positive, having a hope and praying would turn on the switch of the human gene and open the new path; which was already proven by Professor Murakami. Our ability and possibility is infinite. That’s what my patients have taught me through 40 years of my life as a doctor.

One person's power might be limited, but it does not mean that we have no power. To empower ourselves, we need to gather our thoughts together as much as possible. In this initiative, Ms. Katsuko Yamamoto will conduct us, orchestra members, while each of us plays the best in our part. In the end, we will have an amazing finale.

March 22, 2012
Dr. Mikio Nobori, M.D.
Vice-president of Japan Laugh Academy

Profile of Mikio Nobori

Born in Kagoshima Prefecture in 1947.
After graduating from the Medical School of Kyushu University, Dr. Nobori had been working as an anesthetist as well as an OB/GYN and has been living in Osaka since 1982.

At the high school reunion commemorated 30 years from graduation, Dr. Nobori came to realize that eight classmates (four of them were M.D.) had already passed away out of two-hundred. It was really a wake-up call to Dr. Nobori. In 1999, he left the hospital where 1,000 babies were born every year.
Looking back at the way he had worked in his 50's, he has decided to stop working himself to death.

While practicing as an OB/GYN in Osaka city, Dr. Nobori also served as a vice-president of Japan Laugh Academy (in charge of "Laugh and Health" division) studying the effect of laugh in the medical context. He believes that the secret to longevity is a forward-looking attitude and a funny "happy-go-lucky" mindset. Thus, aging society will turn to be a diamond-age society. Currently, Dr. Nobori, a self-proclaimed "Health Hoshi (monk)", is a national motivational speaker as well as the Director of Long Healthy Life Institute.

He climbed Mount Blanc with 15 cancer patients in 1997 and Mt. Fuji as a part of "US-Japan Joint Climbing Team against Cancer in August 2000.

In April 2003, Dr. Nobori took part in "the 1st 1,100 people's meeting" (where 100 survivors from terminal-stage cancer told their stories to 1,000 cancer patients) and confirmed that if cancer patients understand the root cause and change their lifestyle, they can coexist with cancer while keeping peace in mind.

His speech also covers the traditional Japanese diet from the viewpoint of medicine, and the dietary education focusing the difference in genes between Europeans/North Americans and Japanese.

He appeared on NHK Radio Shinyabin three times titled "Laugh strengthens emotional ties", and in October 1998, he appeared on "Omoikkiri TV" to prove how laugh improves our health through an experiment demonstrated in the show.
In November 2006, a CD "Health is Built on Laugh" was released under the NHK Radio Shinyabin label.

To commemorate his 60th birthday in May 2006, Dr. Nobori held a music live "Ocha-a??: A music live by three people" with Ken Mori (harmonica) and Masaaki Moku (whistle) and released CDs titled "Heart of Japan" and "12 kagetsu".
His lecture DVD was released in April 2010.



1. "Laugh: Prescription for Your Soul and Brain"(revised edition) published by Lyon sha
2. "Wonderful Life from 60-year Old" published by Hokendohjinsha, Inc. 03-3234-6111
3. "Smile is Your Medicine" (14th Print) published by Hokendohjinsha, Inc. 03-3234-6111
4. "Laugh and Live Longer: Health Science of Laugh and Longer Life" published by Otsukishoten 03-3813-4651
5. "Laugh, Diet and Health" published by Mebaesya 03-3579-7851
6. "Laugh and Health" published by BikenGuideSha Corporation 03-5825-6263
7. "Laugh work better than 100 medicines" published by BikenGuideSha Corporation 03-5825-6263
8. CD "Health is Built on Laugh" (Radio Shinyabin) released by NHK Service Center 03-3464-1138
9. "Cry, Born, Laugh and Die" (with CD) released by Shunyodo Publishing Co., Ltd 03-3812-7072
10. "Big Laugh Health Program DVD" (set of 3 DVDs) released by V-one 03-3434-6966